Zamaana Badal Raha Hain !

THE TIMES – THEY ARE CHANGING…. I remember that in our childhood days, the younger ones in the house were often told stories like “we got you from the fruit seller” or “we found you crying in a dustbin near our house” ? Just for fun sake, that’s obvious, but the insecurity on their innocent faces on hearing such stories and the precious eye to … Continue reading Zamaana Badal Raha Hain !

Of pencil skirt, high heels and dreams to relive

Packing all the stuff for Tanya to take with her to the US, Darshana was arranging a few things in the bed storage when she happened to find her long lost love. Her pencil skirt. It had been years now since she wore one but her love for it never really allowed her to give it away either. It fit perfectly back then, highlighting the … Continue reading Of pencil skirt, high heels and dreams to relive