My First Day At School

Born with a silver spoon?? oh no! born with technology in hand and a world connected on zoom ! That’s the only reality, the only ‘normal’ for the children born in the past 3 years.

With the nursery classes starting in an online mode and with a future uncertain as to when these children will actually be going to the school it is a new schooling method all together where teachers and parents have to work with a one hundred percent of effort together. It’s like an experiential learning for the parents as well to see a bunch of 3 year olds some sleepy, some confused, some excited, some energetic and some crying all on the screen at once!

Yesterday my younger son Soham began with his nursery session and I have penned down a poetry based on it. Hope you like it.


So my first day at school was practically done at home,

looking at the screen I felt relieved I wasn’t alone.

There were tiny miny kids like me

who were as confused as I was,

said the teacher, “introduce yourself happily don’t be shy, don’t you pause!”

We did an activity together with colors all over our palm,

and showcasing our handprints with the others,

our mothers just couldn’t keep calm!

Then teacher enacted a puppet show,

excitedly we laughed with a face lit with glow,

We got to see videos and heard rhymes too,

just like our mummies our teacher let us watch youtube too,

So slowly and gradually we opened up a bit

to the idea of an online class,

embracing the new normal we too began training our minds,

to merge in and follow the mass.

But a humble prayer sincerely I heard my mother say today,

“Oh God, Dear Lord, take this pandemic to a place far far away!”

And bless the kids on earth with freedom to live a life of ease,

to play in groups, to hug their friends and to hold hands as they pleased”

But until that happened I know I would

have to learn gradually with time,

to live in a world that’s distant and virtual,

neither really yours nor truly mine.

Meeting friends online on phone,

identifying each other by face on zoom,

trying to make our bonds of friendship,

with a smile in a virtual classroom !

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